HomeFinance Car InsuranceDoes Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance? What You Need to Know

Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance? What You Need to Know

Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance in the USA? Insights and Implications

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Immediate Steps After Hitting a Parked Car

  3. How Insurance is Affected

    • Liability Coverage

    • Collision Coverage

    • Changes

  4. Legal Implications

  5. Preventive Measures

  6. Conclusion

  7. Frequently Asked Questions


Accidentally hitting a parked car can happen to anyone, but what happens next? This post explores how such incidents can impact your insurance, specifically focusing on scenarios within the USA. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or a newcomer to the roads, understanding the consequences on your insurance and the necessary steps to take can save you from unnecessary headaches.

Immediate Steps After Hitting a Parked Car

When you hit a parked car, the steps you take immediately afterward are crucial not only for ethical reasons but also for your insurance claims process:Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance:

  • Check for Witnesses or Surveillance: Look around for potential witnesses or surveillance cameras that might have recorded the incident.

  • Document the Scene: Take photos of the accident scene, including both vehicles from multiple angles, to document the damage.

  • Leave a Note: If the car owner is not around, leave a note with your contact information and a brief explanation.

  • Report the Incident: Notify the police and your insurance company about the accident, even if the damage seems minor.

How Insurance is Affected

Liability Coverage

If you are at fault for hitting a parked car, your liability coverage will come into play. This part of your insurance is designed to cover the damages to the other party’s vehicle. It’s important to understand that and Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance:

  • Policy Limits: Your coverage has limits, and any amount above this will be your responsibility.

  • Deductibles Do Not Apply: Deductibles typically do not apply to liability claims, so you won’t have to pay out-of-pocket for the other party’s repairs.

Collision Coverage

For damages to your vehicle, you’ll need to file a claim under your collision coverage:

  • Deductibles Apply: You will be responsible for paying the deductible amount before your insurer pays for the rest of the repairs.

  • Rate of Reimbursement: Depending on your policy, you might be reimbursed for the full repair cost or just a portion of it after depreciation.

Premium Changes

After an accident involving a parked car, it’s common for insurance premiums to increase:

  • Risk Assessment: Insurers often view drivers who have caused an accident as a higher risk.

  • Duration of Impact: Typically, premium increases last for three to five years following an accident.

Legal Implications

Hitting a parked car and leaving the scene can lead to significant legal consequences,Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance including charges of hit and run, which can complicate your insurance claims and lead to:

  • Increased Premiums: Beyond typical increases after an accident.

  • Criminal Record: Which can impact your future insurance applications and rates.

Preventive Measures

To avoid the stress and financial burden of hitting a parked car, consider these preventive measures:

  • Practice Defensive Driving: Always be aware of your surroundings and park in well-lit areas Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance.

  • Use Technology: Employ parking sensors and rear-view cameras if your vehicle is equipped.

  • Regularly Review Your Insurance Coverage: Ensure your policy meets your needs and understand what is covered.


Understanding how hitting a parked car affects your insurance in the USA is crucial for any driver. By following the right steps after an accident and knowing how your insurance coverage works, you can handle such situations more effectively. Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance Always aim to drive cautiously and maintain adequate insurance coverage to mitigate potential impacts on your premiums and coverage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What if I hit a parked car and there’s no damage?

A1: It’s advisable to document the incident and notify the car owner, even if no damage is apparent. Small scratches might not be visible initially but could cause issues later.

Q2: Will my insurance cover the other party’s rental car if their vehicle is in the shop?

A2: Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance, Yes, if you are at fault, your liability coverage typically includes rental reimbursement for the other party while their vehicle is being repaired.

Q3: Can I choose not to claim on my insurance if I hit a parked car?

A3: Does Hitting a Parked Car Affect Insurance, You can choose to pay out-of-pocket for the damages to avoid potential premium increases. However, it’s essential to report the incident to your insurance company to avoid future complications.



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